mercredi 29 avril 2015
Moins cher de louer à Genève que le propre en France
Impossible d'acheter à Genève et attirés par des biens moins chers en France ils ont déménagé à Annecy en 2010. Peu de temps après leur rêve a commencé à se transformer en cauchemar.
Le bonheur suisse - plus que de l'argent?
La Suisse, qui est arrivée en tête de la récente World Report de Bonheur 2015, a l'habitude de bien faire dans les enquêtes qui semblent au-delà de la richesse pour comparer les niveaux de bien-être humain - Suisse également classé troisième dans la récente 2015 Progrès Social Classement. Pourquoi est-ce?
Certains cyniques concluent que tout se résume en dollars et en francs et riche Suisse mène pour cette raison. Tout en étant riche en corrélation clairement avec le bien-être (aucun des dirigeants de Bonheur sont pauvres), il se pourrait que la richesse et le bien-être sont tous deux nés à partir de quelque chose d'autre.
Le rapport de Bonheur mondiale se penche sur le soutien social (avoir quelqu'un sur qui compter en cas de problème), la confiance (de l'absence apparente de la corruption au sein du gouvernement et des entreprises), la liberté de prendre des décisions de vie, la générosité et le PIB.
La confiance et l'inclusion
Les cinq premiers pays en 2015: la Suisse, l'Islande, le Danemark, la Norvège et le Canada, sont tous des sociétés très inclusives qui offrent leurs peuples avec les institutions sociales, juridiques et gouvernementaux ils peuvent avoir confiance, leur donner les moyens de travailler ensemble. Les nations en bas ont généralement dirigeants et des institutions qui limitent la liberté personnelle et font peu pour inspirer confiance et la coopération exploitante.
Fissuration sous pression
L'étude porte sur le test ultime des institutions d'un pays: la crise. En 2007 qui est arrivé quand les banques du monde entier ont commencé à se désagréger.
Il a constaté que la faiblesse des institutions déclenchent blâme plutôt que la coopération et la réparation en cas de crise. Grèce, 102e dans le Bonheur Classement mondial et le plus grand perdant de bonheur pour deux années consécutives, cette montre en action. En Grèce, les pertes de bonheur étaient beaucoup plus grande que pourrait être expliqué par son retournement conjoncturel seul et faiblesses relatives dans tous les domaines, en particulier la corruption, était apparente.
Réunissant dans une crise
En revanche institutions bien confiance fortes ont attiré les gens et effectivement conduit à des améliorations dans le tissu social d'un pays. Islande, 2e du Bonheur Classement mondial et l'Irlande en 18ème position, à la fois a montré que de petites gouttes dans le bonheur malgré la souffrance effondrements du système bancaire aussi extrême que nulle part ailleurs. De tous les pays étudiés par le Gallup World Poll, l'Islande et l'Irlande avaient les pourcentages les plus élevés de personnes disant qu'ils ont quelqu'un sur qui compter en temps de crise.
En outre, depuis 2007, l'Islande et l'Irlande ont vu la croissance du PIB (parité de pouvoir d'achat) de 14% et 5% respectivement, tandis que la Grèce a subi une baisse de 10%.
La faiblesse des institutions sociales et gouvernementales de la Grèce semblent contribuer à une baisse à la fois le bonheur et la richesse.
L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur
Il semble également y avoir aucune garantie que les dépenses sociales livrera bonheur. Les dépenses sociales de la Grèce englouti 24% de l'année 2014 le PIB, tandis que l'Islande consommé moins de 17% et 21% de l'Irlande. Leader dépenses sociales de l'OCDE, la France consacre près de 32% de son PIB sur les services sociaux mais seulement classe 29e sur le Bonheur Classement mondial, tandis que la Suisse consacre un peu plus de 19% et se classe numéro un 1.
En fin de compte, il ressemble à la Suisse la devise: Un pour tous, tous pour un (Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno) et les institutions qu'elle produit pourrait être la clé de la prospérité durable et le bonheur. L'argent pourrait très bien être rien de plus qu'un sous-produit de gens qui travaillent bien ensemble, pas les ingrédients économique champions anti-austérité essentielles pensent qu'il est.
Le franc suisse - la parité de l'euro et au-delà?
Avec un certain nombre de hauts et les bas du franc suisse a gagné du terrain face à l'euro depuis Février et il semble y avoir peu de la Banque nationale suisse (BNS) peut faire pour gérer sa valeur.
Hanspeter Konrad, directeur de l'Association de l'Institut des pensions dans une interview dans le journal Le Temps a appelé à la BNS pour arrêter la recharge caisses de pension suisses intérêt négatif. Il fait valoir que les fonds de pension ne sont pas spéculer sur le franc et ne sont donc pas partie du problème.
Avec les formidables forces travaillant contre la BNS, il semble peu de chance il fera demi-tour. 1,1 billion d'euros Quantitative Easing (QE) programme de la Banque centrale européenne inonde le marché des devises avec Euros entraînant une baisse de leur valeur. La situation en Grèce ne contribue pas non plus.
Thomas Jordan, président du conseil d'administration de la BNS a déclaré la semaine dernière que: "Vers la fin de l'année dernière, le différentiel de taux d'intérêt entre les investissements en devises étrangères et ceux en francs suisses a diminué à presque zéro parce que les taux d'intérêt à l'étranger ont chuté de plus fortement au cours la crise financière qu'eux en Suisse. Cela a rendu le franc suisse encore plus attrayant pour les investisseurs nationaux et étrangers. Comme les taux d'intérêt étrangers sont proches de zéro ou négative, les taux d'intérêt suisses ne peuvent rester à zéro. Ils doivent se déplacer en territoire négatif afin de rétablir l'écart traditionnel de taux d'intérêt ... "
La force du franc est le moteur de la déflation trop. Le bulletin de la BNS Mars 2015 prévoit la déflation de -1,1%, ce qui pourrait ajouter à l'attrait du franc comme un magasin sécurisé de valeurs.
Bloomberg a rapporté le 23 Avril 2015, les prix des options pointent vers de nouveaux gains de francs suisses. Données Bloomberg montre commerçants paient autour de 2 points de pourcentage de plus pour les contrats de trois mois pour acheter du franc suisse face à l'euro par rapport à ceux de vendre.
La BNS doit être espérait il ya une légère hausse de la croissance économique dans la zone euro pour stimuler la demande pour les Euros. The Economist rapporte quelques raisons d'être optimiste sur les économies de la zone euro citant le coup de pouce à la consommation à partir de prix de l'énergie et de l'ascenseur pour les exportateurs d'un affaiblissement de l'euro.
De nouvelles règles de conduite suisses qui aurait pu vous enfermés et expulsés
Certaines personnes ne sont pas conscients des nouvelles sanctions de conduite sévères en Suisse. Un nouveau corps de lois suisses appelé Via sicura est introduit dans les stades, le lot le plus récent au début de 2015. Les sanctions pour excès de vitesse et boire pilotes sont particulièrement graves.
Même avant ces nouvelles lois, les excès de vitesse était oeil wateringly cher en Suisse. Un speeder en 2010 a été condamné à payer 299 000 CHF - de la liste RTS de vitesses record et des amendes.
Un ressortissant portugais, qui a été pris derrière le volant à 204 km / h sur une autoroute près de Sion dans le canton du Valais, se bat maintenant des amendes, des peines de prison et la perte de son permis de séjour selon le journal GHI Genève. Si il avait été conduite à 199 kilomètres par heure, il aurait fait face à pas plus de lourdes amendes et la perte de son permis. Les cinq kilomètres supplémentaires d'une heure de la vitesse l'ont poussé dans la zone de sanctions beaucoup plus graves.
Certains crient au scandale en disant qu'il est ridicule que quelqu'un qui a quitté trop fortement sur la pédale de gaz pourrait être enfermé aussi longtemps que quatre ans avec des gens qui ont commis des crimes beaucoup plus graves.D'autre part, la conduite 84 kilomètres par heure sur la limite de vitesse (204 km / h à 120 kilomètres par heure) est à peine un accident. Conduire sur une autoroute à 130 km / h 140 kilomètres par heure, ou peut-être même 150 kilomètres par heure pourrait être le résultat du manque d'attention, cependant conduire à 204 kmh ressemble à un mépris délibéré de la loi.
Les nouvelles règles adoptées par le parlement suisse en 2012 sont en cours d'introduction dans les stades et sont conçus pour réduire les décès et les blessures. En 2014, 243 personnes sont mortes et 4.043 ont été blessées sur les routes suisses.
En 2013 des peines sévères pour les excès de vitesse et l'alcool au volant ont été introduits. Les sanctions comprennent la confiscation du véhicule, jusqu'à quatre ans de prison et, dans certains cas, la perte permanente de licence. Délais qui peuvent entraîner une peine de prison dépendent de la zone. 70 kmh dans une zone 30, à 100 km / h dans une zone de 50, 140 km / h en 80 zones et 200 km / h sur une autoroute, tous viennent avec une perte minimale de 2 ans de permis et les peines de prison.
Un article paru dans Le Matin rapporte la première peine de prison remis pour excès de vitesse en vertu des nouvelles règles. En 2013, un homme suisse de Argovie de 23 ans a reçu une peine de 18 mois de prison, une amende de CHF 4000 et deux ans sans son permis pour la conduite à 149 kilomètres par heure dans une zone de 80 km / h, 69 kmh une heure au cours de la limite.
Puis en 2014, il est devenu obligatoire de rouler avec les feux allumés pendant la journée ainsi que la nuit et pour certains groupes de la limite d'alcool a été réduite à zéro.
Depuis le début de 2015, votre assurance vous couvrira efficacement pas si vous avez causé un accident et avait bu dessus de la limite, Šped excessivement ou conduit un véhicule alors frappé d'incapacité. La nouvelle loi exige essentiellement assureurs pour aller après pilotes dans ces cas.
D'autres mesures prévues pour l'introduction en 2016 et 2017 comprennent: des tests sévères pour les conducteurs âgés, et des cours de conduite obligatoires, boîte noire enregistreurs et appareils souffle-test-voiture-départ pour certains anciens délinquants.
Un groupe appelé l'Association à mettre fin aux abus de Via sicura, qui déteste particulièrement les peines de prison et des éléments de confiscation de véhicules, a été mis en place pour lancer un vote populaire suisse de modifier les lois Via sicura. Qu'ils réussissent ou non le meilleur plan a obtenu d'être de rester hors de la bouteille et la pédale de gaz.
Reform of Swiss nationality rules : 7-step guide to getting a Swiss passport
Reform of Swiss naturalisation rules is in the work : Parliament has passed the law but it is not yet in force. confusion abounds so here is guide to what has happened and where things stood at 20 April 2015.
On 20 June 2014 the swiss parliament passed new law which changed the number of years of residence required to qualify, the type of residence permit you must have before applying and the age band within which one year of residence counts as two.
The new law harmonises an old 1952 law and its many revisions, some of which are contradictory. It also contains some significant changes and while it has passed through parliament it is not yet in effect. Until it is the old rules apply.
This guide is only for ordinary naturalisation and focused on Vaud and Geneva. There are shorter paths to becoming Swiss for those married to a Swiss, young second generation residents and certain people born in Switzerland. Via the links in this article you can learn about these too.
Please note, that while only information from official federal and cantonal websites has been used to compile this, nothing in this guide is a substitute for official information or legal advice and Le News Sart and its team members accept no responsibility for any error or omission.
The Swiss passport might be Europe's most difficult passport to obtain but it is great for travelling it rank number five on the passport power index.
In addition, unlike Swiss residence permits, which lapse when you leave the country a Swiss passport stays with you. And you get to vote, which in Switzerland will keep you very busy. The following 7-step guide summarises the process for applying for Swiss nationality the precursor to getting a Swiss passport.
1- How long do you need to reside in Switzerland?
Becoming Swiss means joining a country, a canton and a commune. Each layer has its own residence requirements.
At a notional level, the existing rules require 12 years of residence including three of the last five.
In addition, there are separate cantonal residence requirements that vary by location. The canton of Vaud requires 3 years, and Geneva2. Both cantons require that the year prior to the date of application be spent in the canton.
Communes in Vaud also have a separate one to three-year residence requirement that varies by commune. The commune where you apply normally becomes your commune of origin, a concept that dates back to the the middle ages- this article in Le Temps describes the strong attachment some have to this largely redundant Swiss peculiarity.
When the new law comes into force the nationl 12-year residence requirement will be reduced 10 years, still the highest residence requirement in Europe according to
2- What type of residence permit do you need to apply?
At present when you apply you need either a residence permit ( autorisation de séjour- e.g.B permit) or a oermanent residence permit (authorisation d'établissement - C permit).
The new rules will only accept applicants who hold a permanent residence permit. known as a C permit. The canton of Vaud expects this restrictive new rule to reduce applicant numbers by 15%
3- Within what age band does one year count as two?
Not all years count equally. Spending more formative years on Swiss soil are assumed to make you more Swiss and count double. Currently the years that are counted twice are from the 10th birthday until the 20th .
Under the new rules any years spent in Switzerland between the 8th and 18th birthdays will count as double.
4- What other requirements are there?
Applicants are examined to decide if they are integrated into the Swiss way of life, are familiar with Swiss customs, comply with Swiss laws, and are not a security risk.
More precisely you need to:
- Pay all you taxes
- Be prepared to do military service
- Not have broken any laws
-Be of good character
- Speak French (or German or Italian)
- Be professionally and socially integrated and attached to Switzerland and its institutions
- Not be supported by the state (applies in Geneva)
5- What is the naturalisation process and how long does it take?
The process has three elements. There are three decision layers, which start with getting a "green light" from the federal authorities. Then you canton and commune of residence must decide whether or not you qualify.
The practical process starts with a trip to you commune office, which passes everything to the canton, which transfers it to the Federal office. Then everything is passed back to the commune via the canton for the final decision.
Unfortunately, this round trip through all the various layers of the Swiss system takes quite some time. The Vaud authorities offer an estimate of two and a half years. In Geneva the canton estimates between one and a half to three years.
6- How much does it cost?
As you might have guessed there are three cost layers: federal, cantonal and communal. In Vaud the total cost run as high as CHF 850 for an individual applicant. with reduced rates for combined family applications and minors. A breakdown is available on the Vaud website.
Geneva is more expensive and complicated . The total cost ranges from CHF 1,055 to CHF 4,385 depending on age and income. Those over 25 pay CHF 920 and those this age pay CHF 500. Then based on your income these fees are doubled (for income over 40,000 p.a), tripled (for income over 80,000 p.a) or quadrupled (for income over 120,000 p.a).
Finally additional charges of up to CHF 705 are added. Detailed information on Geneva's charges can be found on Geneva's website
7- When does the new law come into effect?
It will be while before the new federal law, passed on 20 June 2014, comes into effect.
According to the canton of Vaud it is not expected to come into force before autumn in 2013.
Until the new law is in place the existing one applies.
mardi 28 avril 2015
Comparer iPhone 6 vs Galaxy S6 : Quel est le meilleur Smartphone?
iPhone 6 vs Samsung Galaxy S6
Ces deux joyaux ont caméras si puissants qu'ils ont rien à craindre de les appareils numériques compacts.
Bluewin a effectué un test pour savoir quel smartphone est le gagnant clair dans le domaine de la photo.
Pour de nombreux utilisateurs, l'appareil photo est l'une des fonctions les plus importantes de leurs téléphones.
Pas étonnant, donc, que les fabricants tentent de vaincre leurs adversaires en équipant leurs appareils images fixes téléphones plus chers et plus sophistiqués. Dans sa vaste campagne de publicité d'Apple montre actuellement de magnifiques photos avec le slogan: "Photographié avec l'iPhone 6."
Samsung tient l'équipe de la caméra et de son dernier Galaxy S6 un capteur encore mieux de la caméra, stabilisateur d'image optique et une lentille de F1.9. Par conséquent est nécessaire une comparaison de ces deux caméras sont les joyaux que l'iPhone 6 et le Galaxy Samsung S6. Il va sans dire que les deux caméras sont parmi les meilleurs dispositifs actuellement disponibles sur le marché. Bluewin a testé ces deux dispositifs. Jetez un oeil à notre galerie pour voir le résultat.
iPhone 6
Caméra frontale de 8 mégapixels avec lentille de F2.2. Parmi les faits saillants de la caméra comprennent la fonction HDR en temps réel, la reconnaissance faciale et le retardateur. Être disponible sur le 6 Plus, le stabilisateur optique ne pouvait pas être testé sur l'iPhone 6. Cependant, ce dernier a un stabilisateur numérique. La clé pour accéder aux différents filtres est (effets noir et blanc, chrome, rétro, polaroid) très pratique.
L'appareil photo peut prendre des vidéos avec une résolution atteignant 1'080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) à 60 images par seconde. Pour le mouvement lent, l'appareil prend 240 images par seconde. Une fonction "vidéo accéléré» est également présent dans le téléphone.
Samsung Galaxy S6
Les deux derniers modèles (Galaxy S6 et S6 EDGE) ont le même appareil photo 16MP. Il se distingue par sa lentille de lumière F / 1,9 et son stabilisateur optique. Le dispositif Samsung offre également un mode HDR avec un contrôle en temps réel. Les vidéos peuvent être prises avec résolution 4K (3840 x 2160 pixels) à 30 images par seconde.
L'appareil photo peut maintenant être activée même lorsque le téléphone est verrouillé (comme l'iPhone). Appuyez deux fois sur la touche "Home". Le «Pro Mode" permet d'accéder à différents paramètres. Par exemple, vous pouvez modifier l'ISO, choisissez un filtre de couleur, ajuster la balance des blancs ou de corriger la luminosité.
Lorsque l'éclairage est bon, les deux caméras prennent presque toujours très bonnes photos. Les photos prises avec le Galaxy sont frappantes netteté, jusque sur les bords de l'image. L'iPhone est pas, cependant, restent à cet égard.
Lorsque la luminosité diminue, les photos prises par l'iPhone sont frappantes, même en l'absence de stabilisation optique. Ceci pourrait être expliqué par le photocapteur 8 MP. Le stabilisateur optique S6 fournit également de très bons résultats lorsque l'éclairage est faible. Avec la lentille F / 1,9, il est possible d'avoir une vitesse d'obturateur très élevée.
Les différences entre les deux caméras sont petites et ont peu d'importance pour les photos de la vie quotidienne. Avec son objectif de F1.9 et stabilisateur optique, l'appareil Samsung dispose sur les faits saillants de papier. Photos et vidéos ont une meilleure résolution. Ce dernier révèle plus de détails lorsque la luminosité est bonne, mais explique en partie la médiocre performance de l'unité en cas de mauvais lumière. Il est difficile de désigner un vainqueur absolu.
Les caméras des deux smartphones sont si puissants que la plupart des utilisateurs ont mis de côté leur appareils photo numériques compacts pas cher. Contenu appareils Smartphones avec la personne qui peut se passer objectifs équipés d'un zoom comme la majorité des appareils photo compacts. Le Smartphone offre également la possibilité de profiter encore plus de son appareil photo grâce à des applications spéciales.
lundi 27 avril 2015
Baseball has an entirely different atmosphere
Baseball is the second sport in popularity in the United States and has an atmosphere quite different from that of football. It is a game of intense concentration and the near perfect game address. Attending a baseball game might start with a tailgate party that resembles a family picnic followed by several hours of relaxed attendance friends while following the game.
There are 30 teams in Major League Baseball (US and Canada) divided into two leagues, the National League and the American League. Each team plays about 160 games on weekdays in the evenings and weekends in the afternoon since early spring to late fall. The best teams from each league meet in late fall for the World Series games to determine the national champion. Only the most popular games are played sold out, so normally there way to purchase tickets to most Major League games.
Several hundred Minor League Baseball teams play in smaller cities across the United States and Canada. Each team is affiliated with one of Major League teams and is used as a nursery to train future Major League players.
Football is the most popular sport
American football is the most popular sport for spectators in the United States. This is a fighting game where highly trained athletes skillfully and brutally execute strategic plans. Attending a football game often begins with a "tailgate party" (tailgate party) to the parking lot of the stadium followed by several hours of rowdy, emotionally charged excitement. Most fans watch football games together in a local bar or at a friend's home in front of a large TV screen.
The National Football League (NFL) (National Football League) consists of 32 professional teams based in major cities across the United States. Each team plays 16 games between early September and late December. The top two teams meet for the Super Bowl at the end of January. Matches are played on Sunday afternoon with the exception of a few nationally televised games on Monday nights. It is difficult to get tickets for any NFL game since the tickets are usually sold in advance before the season begins. You can sometimes obtain tickets through travel agents or brokers of gold price tickets. Almost always there way to buy tickets at very high price on the black market, with "scalpers ticket" in front of the stage, just before the start of the match.
At hundreds of universities across the United States there are college football games on Saturday afternoons. Matches the "Football schools", with outstanding teams often attract over 100,000 spectators. It is difficult to get tickets for matches to the best schools but it's pretty easy to get for less popular games.
The National Football League (NFL) (National Football League) consists of 32 professional teams based in major cities across the United States. Each team plays 16 games between early September and late December. The top two teams meet for the Super Bowl at the end of January. Matches are played on Sunday afternoon with the exception of a few nationally televised games on Monday nights. It is difficult to get tickets for any NFL game since the tickets are usually sold in advance before the season begins. You can sometimes obtain tickets through travel agents or brokers of gold price tickets. Almost always there way to buy tickets at very high price on the black market, with "scalpers ticket" in front of the stage, just before the start of the match.
At hundreds of universities across the United States there are college football games on Saturday afternoons. Matches the "Football schools", with outstanding teams often attract over 100,000 spectators. It is difficult to get tickets for matches to the best schools but it's pretty easy to get for less popular games.
dimanche 26 avril 2015
Stadium in Belgrade ignites
Supporters of Red Star Belgrade and Partizan Belgrade fought with the Serbian police, Saturday, April 25. Occurred before the game, the clashes have delayed forty-five minutes. Forty-one fans were arrested. This type of overflow is common for fans of the two rival clubs
Video link on YouTube :
Video link on YouTube :
Boxing: Klitschko retains heavyweight titles
The Ukrainian Vladimir Klitschko retained his IBF title, WBA, WBO and IBO heavyweight by defeating the American points Bryant Jennings Saturday, April 25 at Madison Square Garden in New York.
Klitschko was declared the winner by unanimous vote of three referees (116-111, 116-111, 118-109) to sign the 64th win of his career for three defeats.
He defended victoriously for the 18th consecutive time his world titles in the premier class and approaches the record of American legend Joe Louis (25 victorious battles to defend a world title).
The younger of the Klitschko brothers, aged 39, has inflicted their first defeat his opponent in twenty fights (19 wins, one loss). But Jennings, a native of Philadelphia, gave him a hard time, especially in the 6th and 9th occasions.
Klitschko could now try to unify the premier class with the WBC belt held by the American Deontay Wilder. The WBC belt has long been held by his older brother, Vitali, now retired from the ring for a political career that took him for mayor of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital.
Klitschko was declared the winner by unanimous vote of three referees (116-111, 116-111, 118-109) to sign the 64th win of his career for three defeats.
He defended victoriously for the 18th consecutive time his world titles in the premier class and approaches the record of American legend Joe Louis (25 victorious battles to defend a world title).
The younger of the Klitschko brothers, aged 39, has inflicted their first defeat his opponent in twenty fights (19 wins, one loss). But Jennings, a native of Philadelphia, gave him a hard time, especially in the 6th and 9th occasions.
Klitschko could now try to unify the premier class with the WBC belt held by the American Deontay Wilder. The WBC belt has long been held by his older brother, Vitali, now retired from the ring for a political career that took him for mayor of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital.
samedi 25 avril 2015
Swiss vote against restrictions on immigration
Swiss reject the three draft laws put forward to a vote this Sunday, especially on the text to tighten immigration laws. The majority of the twenty-six Swiss regions have refused to texts, as was access to the majority a requirement for adoption. Arrived rate of rejection of the bills to more than seventy per cent.
The environmental group province has proposed to reduce net migration to reach the number of migrants to less than seventeen thousand annually compared to the current level, a hundred thousand. This is the second referendum on the issue since February to February, when voters approved narrowly on the proposals require identifying restrictions and quotas for each foreign migrants, including citizens of the European Union.
Since then, the Swiss government is striving to achieve a policy that satisfies voters and Brussels at the same time as the result of the referendum inconsistent with the agreements with the European Union on freedom of movement. Which called on the government as well as the parliament and representatives of economists to warn of the vote in favor of the proposals on the grounds that it does not only reduce the skilled labor force in Switzerland, but also hurt relations between Switzerland and the EU is the largest.
The second relates to the possibility of a referendum whether to be on the central bank to significantly increase reserves of gold and restores all the reserves of the precious metal from the outside. The third relates to the referendum initiative to get rid of tax concessions that attract wealthy foreigners.
The environmental group province has proposed to reduce net migration to reach the number of migrants to less than seventeen thousand annually compared to the current level, a hundred thousand. This is the second referendum on the issue since February to February, when voters approved narrowly on the proposals require identifying restrictions and quotas for each foreign migrants, including citizens of the European Union.
Since then, the Swiss government is striving to achieve a policy that satisfies voters and Brussels at the same time as the result of the referendum inconsistent with the agreements with the European Union on freedom of movement. Which called on the government as well as the parliament and representatives of economists to warn of the vote in favor of the proposals on the grounds that it does not only reduce the skilled labor force in Switzerland, but also hurt relations between Switzerland and the EU is the largest.
The second relates to the possibility of a referendum whether to be on the central bank to significantly increase reserves of gold and restores all the reserves of the precious metal from the outside. The third relates to the referendum initiative to get rid of tax concessions that attract wealthy foreigners.
Schumacher small "Mick" dazzles in his first race in the Formula Four
Despite the entry son Mike Schumacher Formula One icon Michael Schumacher in ninth place, but he was appointed as the best debutante driver in the first race being waged on Amadmarducharsilan Germany in Formula category four.
Mick, who is Alamrsth ten-year-old only Ibhralhadharan his own way after the launch of a successful record and after managed to get from Antrzaltasa Ashrfa start of the race to ninth in the end.
Signal Schumacher Alsgariatbermn drivers also talented in karting races where he managed to make the second place in the World Karting Championship, which took place last year.
Mick, who is Alamrsth ten-year-old only Ibhralhadharan his own way after the launch of a successful record and after managed to get from Antrzaltasa Ashrfa start of the race to ninth in the end.
Signal Schumacher Alsgariatbermn drivers also talented in karting races where he managed to make the second place in the World Karting Championship, which took place last year.
Gerrard, Xavi arrive to the fifth percentile for Liverpool and Barcelona
Star reached the center of Liverpool Football Club, Steven Gerrard Saturday, the 500 game in the "Bremyerleg" with the club to become the second player in the history of the competition ten who can smash this figure.
Gerrard thirty-four-year-old owner arrived to the figure following his participation in Saturday's league match against West Brom and before his move after the end of the season for the Los Angeles Galaxy American.
Xavi Hernondazaust field and team leader Barcelona turn just figure in the Spanish league in the 500 match today against Espanyol, which the Catalan club won two straight. Xavi, who arrived in Rabia thirty-fifth, which played to calculate one professional team Hualbrsa six Ashraama period, you will remain with the team that Kbrocrara in his lap or Seger destination to another station before ending his professional career
Gerrard thirty-four-year-old owner arrived to the figure following his participation in Saturday's league match against West Brom and before his move after the end of the season for the Los Angeles Galaxy American.
Xavi Hernondazaust field and team leader Barcelona turn just figure in the Spanish league in the 500 match today against Espanyol, which the Catalan club won two straight. Xavi, who arrived in Rabia thirty-fifth, which played to calculate one professional team Hualbrsa six Ashraama period, you will remain with the team that Kbrocrara in his lap or Seger destination to another station before ending his professional career
Apple embarks on sale smart Even if it universally
Apple launches hour at the global level on Friday, 04/25/2015 with a queue of Japanese technology enthusiasts, who lined up in Tokyo in order to get a first-to-wear device that is produced by Cupertino company.
In France by Audrey Sfna smart time, does not hide her admiration for the company's products:
Apple has managed to make their products a necessity. In the beginning of any iPad, then Apple hour, and now there is a whole market stainless connection.
Buyers can around the world addicts Apple technology acquisition smart time of a handful of shops and high-end shops in the European and Asian metropolises, including Corner in Berlin, Maxfield in Los Angeles and Dover Street in Tokyo and London, where he proceeded Apple to offer smart time as one of the supplements Home of Fashion.
In France by Audrey Sfna smart time, does not hide her admiration for the company's products:
Apple has managed to make their products a necessity. In the beginning of any iPad, then Apple hour, and now there is a whole market stainless connection.
Buyers can around the world addicts Apple technology acquisition smart time of a handful of shops and high-end shops in the European and Asian metropolises, including Corner in Berlin, Maxfield in Los Angeles and Dover Street in Tokyo and London, where he proceeded Apple to offer smart time as one of the supplements Home of Fashion.
False alarm there were explosives near the Statue of Liberty in New York
US Parks Police, abandoned Friday, Square Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, the port of New York, following reports of the presence of suspicious sent off in the Treasury to deposit luggage of tourists and smelling dogs suspicious odor.
Explosives experts band, combed the scene and confirmed the absence of any terrorist threats.
Explosives experts band, combed the scene and confirmed the absence of any terrorist threats.
"Oglu": the Pope to submit a statement of account about dead Muslims in Andalusia
Agency Anatolia quoted the semi-official, the Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, Val response to the Pope's remarks about the Armenians, the Pope to submit a statement of account on the Inquisition in Andalusia and the dead were Muslims and Jews.
Ihsanoglu said, that the Pope's remarks about the Armenians suffered genocide, biased and inappropriate, adding that "reading these painful events biased way that is not commensurate with the person the Pope and power represented by".
The Pope, Francis I, said recently presided over a celebratory Mass in Rome, the Ottoman authorities committed massacres against the Armenians during the Ottoman Empire, describing what happened to the mass killings, which angered Turkey
Ihsanoglu said, that the Pope's remarks about the Armenians suffered genocide, biased and inappropriate, adding that "reading these painful events biased way that is not commensurate with the person the Pope and power represented by".
The Pope, Francis I, said recently presided over a celebratory Mass in Rome, the Ottoman authorities committed massacres against the Armenians during the Ottoman Empire, describing what happened to the mass killings, which angered Turkey
The resignation of the government officers and employees after the election of the first black president of the municipality in America
A number of police officers and other public sector employees resigned, following the election of the city, "Parma" in Missouri black African to the mayor.
As "Huffington Post" newspaper reported the US, was "Terios Bird," which previously worked Amina municipal records, has won the rival "Randall symbolic" which has served as the mayor of "Parma" for 37 years.
According to what was said by the mayor's outgoing, five officers from among six policemen of the city have submitted their resignations, as well as a lawyer and supervisor of water treatment.
He said some residents of the city they are not worried about security after the shrinking number of police officers, pointing out that it makes no sense to leave the office without that give it a chance.
More complete skull of a dinosaur display at an auction of one million dollars
Exposure dinosaur skull of a kind "Triceratops" auction in Hong Kong at a starting price of $ 1.8
million and return the skull to more than 65 million a year.
Ray Nuvakovic skull was found in 1992 when, while noted the emergence of horny dinosaur from
the land of his ranch 70-year-old hit, and after exercising hobby since childhood to become the
largest dinosaur skull discovered one of the biggest discoveries.
But the skull was not obtained until 2003 due to lack of appropriate equipment, and took excavated process weeks since the Nuvakovic and his family remove it, and cleaned require 200 hours of work to clean up the skull of stones that formed above and that helped to preserve them for an unknown number of years.
The display of fossils at the auctions is moneymaking especially in people who love excavated and Aktlakea, and went there to establish such auctions in Hong Kong, but many were surprised by the price at which to put this skull, as if they were actually worth two million dollars.
But specialists advise those who wish to acquire such fossils to confirm their safety, and how much of which consists of the original bone of the dinosaur, and how restored, as can be for the price of fossils with a good case to reach the millions, it sold the largest fossil found in dinosaur "T-Rex" vs. $ 8.5 million in 1997, and is now on display at the Field Museum of America in Chicago.
vendredi 24 avril 2015
jeudi 23 avril 2015
mercredi 22 avril 2015
Real Madrid - Atlético Madrid : les 6 phrases à retenir de la conf' de Carlo Ancelotti et Kroos
1. Le Real ne se cherche pas d'excuses .
2. Les Madrilènes savent ce qu'ils doivent faire .
3. La petite pique de Kroos sur l'attitude de l'Atlético avec les arbitres .
4. Pour Ancelotti, la meilleure défense du monde : c'est l'Atlético .
5. Aucune indication sur le onze de départ .
6. Le Real se prépare à tout... même aux penalties .
Real Madrid is not just a team
1. Real Madrid 9-0 B913 Odense (25 October 1961)
2. Real Madrid 9-1 Tirol Innsbruck (23 October 1990)
3. Real Madrid 8-0 Seville (23 January 1958)
4. Real Madrid 8-0 Olympiakos Nicosia (24 September 1969)
5. Progres Niedercorn 0-7 Real Madrid (27 September 1978)
6. Real Madrid 7-0 Jeunesse Esch (21 October 1959)
7. Real Madrid 7-1 Wiener Sportsklub (18 March 1960)
8. Real Madrid 7-3 Eintracht Frankfurt (18 May 1960)
9. Real Madrid 6-0 Royal Antwerp (28 November 1957)
10. Real Madrid 6-0 Rangers (9 October 1963)
Real players who also wore the Blaugrana of Barcelona
1. Ricardo Zamora
2. Alfredo Di Stefano
3. Justo Tejada
4. Bernd Schuster
5. Gheorge Hagi
6. Michael Laudrup
7. Robert Prosinecki
8. Luis Enrique
9. Luis Figo
10. Samuel Eto’o
1. Migeul Angel- Best Spanish player 1975/76
2. Miljan Miljanic Best coach 1975/76
3. Michel- Best Spanish player 1985/86
4. Amavisca- Best Spanish player 1994’95
5. Raul- Best Spanish player 96/97, 98/99, 99/00, 00/01, 01/02.
6. Uli Stielike- Best foreign player in Spain 78/79, 79/80, 80/81, 81/82
7. Jorge Valdano- Best foreign player in Spain 1985/86
8. Huge Sanchez- Best foreign player in Spain 1986/87, 1989/90
9. Ivan Zamorano- Best foreign player in spain 1994/95
10. Zinedine Zidane- Best foreign player in Spain 2001/2002
1. Real Madrid 9-0 B913 Odense (25 October 1961)
2. Real Madrid 9-1 Tirol Innsbruck (23 October 1990)
3. Real Madrid 8-0 Seville (23 January 1958)
4. Real Madrid 8-0 Olympiakos Nicosia (24 September 1969)
5. Progres Niedercorn 0-7 Real Madrid (27 September 1978)
6. Real Madrid 7-0 Jeunesse Esch (21 October 1959)
7. Real Madrid 7-1 Wiener Sportsklub (18 March 1960)
8. Real Madrid 7-3 Eintracht Frankfurt (18 May 1960)
9. Real Madrid 6-0 Royal Antwerp (28 November 1957)
10. Real Madrid 6-0 Rangers (9 October 1963)
Real players who also wore the Blaugrana of Barcelona
1. Ricardo Zamora
2. Alfredo Di Stefano
3. Justo Tejada
4. Bernd Schuster
5. Gheorge Hagi
6. Michael Laudrup
7. Robert Prosinecki
8. Luis Enrique
9. Luis Figo
10. Samuel Eto’o
1. Migeul Angel- Best Spanish player 1975/76
2. Miljan Miljanic Best coach 1975/76
3. Michel- Best Spanish player 1985/86
4. Amavisca- Best Spanish player 1994’95
5. Raul- Best Spanish player 96/97, 98/99, 99/00, 00/01, 01/02.
6. Uli Stielike- Best foreign player in Spain 78/79, 79/80, 80/81, 81/82
7. Jorge Valdano- Best foreign player in Spain 1985/86
8. Huge Sanchez- Best foreign player in Spain 1986/87, 1989/90
9. Ivan Zamorano- Best foreign player in spain 1994/95
10. Zinedine Zidane- Best foreign player in Spain 2001/2002
Tonight will be difficult without Modric
Cant agree anymore with Real_Madrid and Azulgrana.
Carlo to be blamed for lack of rotation and useless subs losing the league again this season would be devestating, however he always got his magic in ucl but with his recent record against Simeone it looks difficult.
In his defense the team totally dominated the last derby and even the clasico for the first half atleast but bale and benzema failed to deliver, we are not clinical enough now.
Modric replacement? Khedira doesnt have the momentum been useless everytime i watched him this season, injury prone. illara simply not good enough id take Lucas Silva who in reality the last option i guess, wouldnt mind pepe in midfield and kroos with further attacking duty but i dont expect any changes in the system.
I'll be flying to madrid at the time of the match, hopefully ill be celebrating the win later. HALA MADRID.
Carlo to be blamed for lack of rotation and useless subs losing the league again this season would be devestating, however he always got his magic in ucl but with his recent record against Simeone it looks difficult.
In his defense the team totally dominated the last derby and even the clasico for the first half atleast but bale and benzema failed to deliver, we are not clinical enough now.
Modric replacement? Khedira doesnt have the momentum been useless everytime i watched him this season, injury prone. illara simply not good enough id take Lucas Silva who in reality the last option i guess, wouldnt mind pepe in midfield and kroos with further attacking duty but i dont expect any changes in the system.
I'll be flying to madrid at the time of the match, hopefully ill be celebrating the win later. HALA MADRID.
Ligue des Champions, Monaco - Juventus: Juventus a une préférence pour le passage
LIGUE DES CHAMPIONS - Après s'être incliné face à la Juve à l'aller (0-1), Monaco ne parviendra pas à inverser la tendance mercredi soir malgré un retard qui ne semble pas insurmontable. Voici pourquoi :
Monaco est moins à l'aise à domicileL'ASM est meilleure à l'extérieur qu'à domicile. C'est une réalité indéniable. Le huitième de finale face à Arsenal en est l'exemple parfait. A l'Emirates Stadium, les hommes de Leonardo Jardim avaient livré un match exceptionnel en inscrivant trois buts à la surprise générale (3-1). Face à la Juve, à Turin, les joueurs de la Principauté ont tenu la dragée haute aux Italiens pendant toute la première période avant de rendre les armes (0-1). Monaco est un adversaire de taille à l'extérieur, beaucoup moins à domicile. Pourtant, le bilan de l'ASM sur la scène européenne à Louis-II n'est pas catastrophique (2 victoires, 1 nul et 1 défaite), loin de là, mais ce ne sont que des chiffres. Il y a aussi la manière. Et ce n'est pas flamboyant. Au retour contre les Gunners (0-2), les Monégasques ont frôlé la catastrophe. En phase de groupes, ils ont alterné miracle (Leverkusen), match sans saveur (Benfica) et efficacité minimale (Zenit). L'ASM n'a pas de repères, ni de match référence sur le Rocher et c'est ce qui risque de causer sa perte.
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